Our mission at Ultimate Champion's Tae Kwon Do is not only to supply you with physical benefits, but also mental and spiritual ones.
"A Strong Mind is the First Line of Self-Defense"
Ultimate Champion's Tae Kwon Do increases energy, self-confidence, humility, discipline, concentration, and will cultivate within you a deep love and respect for others. As Grandmaster Sang K. Oh said, "The person who can defeat others with flashy techniques but is without love toward his fellow man will in the end defeat himself.".
Learn to Use Your Entire Body as a Weapon
Ultimate Champion's Tae Kwon Do will teach you comprehensive self-defense, punching, kicking, throwing, grappling, join-locking, jumping, dodging, and some weaponry. You will learn to move more efficiently and smoothly against any possible attacker.
Self-Discipline and Respect
Here at Champion's Tae Kwon Do, you will learn to control your mind and body through intense physical training and you will learn to respect yourself and others around you.
We teach that "intimacy does not justify lack of courtesy among your family and friends". Students of Ultimate Champion's Tae Kwon Do will increase their skills in dealing with others, as a result of increased self-esteem and respect towards others.
Champion's Tae Kwon Do center is specially designed to make learning and progressing easier for everyone, regardless of age, sex or size. Grandparents through grandchildren can easily practice together at their individual need and pace.